



personnel management, educational institutions, educational activities, head of the institution


This article discusses the key aspects of personnel management in educational institutions of Ukraine. The principles of personnel management, structural features of the personnel management system in educational institutions, the main problems of personnel management are analyzed, and based on the identified problems, theoretical and methodological approaches to their solution are proposed. According to the legislation of Ukraine and the Law «On Education», «On General Secondary Education» and the Statute and labor agreement, the modern head of any educational institution directly manages it and is responsible for educational, financial, economic and other activities. He acts as a representative of the institution before state bodies, local self-government bodies, legal entities and individuals and acts without the need for a power of attorney within the limits of his powers. Considerable attention is paid to management in educational institutions, its costs and approaches, assessment of the competences of scientific and pedagogical personnel, which should take into account the interests of each employee. The main task is to theoretically master the principles of management in all types of educational institutions: from kindergartens to universities. Also, when creating management models, it is important to take into account changes in socio-economic conditions, the emergence of significant uncertainty and the variety of possible situations where it is necessary to act in conditions of general choice. The article also focuses on the fact that the correct management process leads to an improvement in the quality of work. A well-informed head of management enables students to overcome problematic moments as future specialists, and also builds the right approaches to the fulfillment of their duties by the teaching staff. The leader must find a common language with the entire environment and must be heard. The manager himself must establish quality standards of educational activity and improve them. After all, thanks to his correct administrative approaches, the actions of employees become quite confident, decisive and responsible.


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How to Cite

Nagolyuk, O., & Melnyk, N. (2024). FEATURES OF MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. CITY DEVELOPMENT, (1 (01), 69–74. https://doi.org/10.32782/city-development.2024.1-9


