


city development strategies, strategic planning, sustainable urban development, sustainable development goals, city development model


The article is devoted to the study of the issue of urban development as a component of the entire complex of problems related to Ukraine's transition to a model of sustainable development. Today sees the development of the city not only as a combination of the functions of housing, recreation and work, but as a compromise between the economic, social and ecological processes of the development of society. The development of the city is a complex and multifaceted process that requires a comprehensive approach and interaction of various spheres of activity. Investments in infrastructure, economy, housing and communal services, environmental protection and the social sphere contribute to the sustainable and balanced development of the city, increasing its competitiveness and ensuring a high quality of life for residents. The state policy of ensuring the security of urban development should be based on modern approaches developed by the international community. The international Habitat conferences organized by the UN determined the priority directions for the development of territories that have shown their effectiveness. In order to develop effective mechanisms for the implementation of the state policy of ensuring the security of urbanized territories, it is important to identify the properties of modern city development strategies and their adaptation to domestic realities. The sustainable development of the city is an important step towards the sustainable development of the country and its achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Results. The key strategies and modern models of the city's development, the features of strategic planning of sustainable urban development are highlighted, and its components are developed for Ukrainian realities, taking into account foreign experience, coordination mechanisms and integration policy. Practical significance. Modern models of city development take into account a wide range of factors, including economic, environmental, social and technological aspects. The most important modern models of city development are proposed: smart city, ecologically sustainable city, human-centric city, smart city and creative city.


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Bednarska-Olejniczak D., Olejniczak J., Svobodová L. (2019) Towards a Smart and Sustainable City with the Involvement of Public Participation. The Case of Wroclaw. Sustainability, no, 11(2).. DOI:

United Nations Confrence on Human Settlements (Habitat II). Istanbul Turkey) 3-14 June 1996. Distr. General A/Conf.165/14 7 August 1996. Available at:

Dai Y., Hasanefendic S., Bossink B. (2024) Systematic literature review of the smart city transformation process: The role and interaction of stakeholders and technology. Sustainable Cities and Society, no. 101. DOI:

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Rasoolimanesh S. M., Badarulzaman N., Jaafar M. (2011) Achievement to Sustainable Urban Development using City Development Strategies: A Comparison between Cities Alliance and the World Bank definitions. Journal of Sustainable Development, no. 4(5), pp. 151–166. DOI:

Liu B., Pan X. (2024) Green finance, energy transition, and natural resources of real estate sector: driving eco-sustainability and sustainable economic growth. Economic Change and Restructuring, no. 57(2). DOI:

Ren S., Li Y., Peng Z. et al. (2024) Developing an Urban Environment Examination System by Incorporating Construction, Economic, Environmental, Cultural and Development Dimensions. Sustainability, no. 16(7). DOI:

Doiron D., Setton E., Syer J. et al. (2024) HealthyPlan.City: A Web Tool to Support Urban Environmental Equity and Public Health in Canadian Communities. Journal of Urban Health. DOI:

Bibri S. A. (2018) Approaches to Futures Studies: A Scholarly and Planning Approach to Strategic Smart Sustainable City Development. In book: Smart Sustainable Cities of the Future. DOI:

Suyanto S., Krisprimandoyo D. A., Ayu R. et al. (2023) Erni Jusnita ustainable Development Planning of Surabaya City: Pursuing Inclusive and Sustainable Growth. Journal of Business Management and Economic Development, no. 2(01), pp. 215–240. DOI:



How to Cite

Pavlovskyi, S., Mohylevska, O., Povoroznyk, M., & Tsiporenko, S. (2024). CITY DEVELOPMENT: KEY ASPECTS AND STRATEGIES. CITY DEVELOPMENT, (1 (01), 75–81.


