


socio-economic security of the city, stakeholder, strengthening, city authorities, scenario


The socio-economic security of cities plays a key role in this process, ensuring the stability and development of cities, as they are an important center of sustainable development of the state. Ensuring the socio-economic security of cities requires cooperation of various stakeholders, each of which plays a unique role. The article proves that the scenario approach is an effective tool for strategic planning and ensuring the socio-economic security of a city. This approach allows taking into account various possible future events and trends, which helps to prepare for different scenarios. Stakeholders play an important role in strengthening the city's socio-economic security. Stakeholders in strengthening the socio-economic security of the city are interested in participating in the security activities of the city authorities only if they receive a reward from participation in the implementation of the strengthening scenario in the form of partial or full satisfaction of their own interests. This paper presents a demonstrative list of stakeholders in strengthening the socio-economic security of a city. The actual list of stakeholders and their interests can only be given in accordance with a specific city. According to the idea of the Object Management Group, each of the stakeholders of strengthening the socio-economic security of the city can be in one of the 6 states for a certain period of time and has the ability to move from one state to another. The research materials characterize certain groups of stakeholders in strengthening the socio-economic security of the city in the “influence-attitude” stakeholder matrix. Stakeholders in the scenario of strengthening the socio-economic security of the city are not equal in terms of opportunities or the degree of interest and desire to participate in the security activities of the city authorities. Therefore, the city authorities should build their relations with them taking into account their unequal importance in the implementation of the scenario of strengthening the socio-economic security of the city. Determining the approximate composition of stakeholders in strengthening the socio-economic security of the city and forming their groups by combining the criteria of the “attitude influence” matrix, describing in general terms the interests and capabilities of stakeholders in the implementation of the strengthening scenario allowed us to set guidelines for organizing communications between the city authorities and stakeholders of each of the identified groups and describe the forms of their involvement in the implementation of the strengthening scenario.


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