


agritourism enterprise, competitive environment, processing industry, balanced supply, economic connection


The article reveals the theoretical aspects of the development of economic ties in the chains of interaction between agro-tourism enterprises and subjects of the processing industry, aimed at the integration of the processes of production and technological cycles to ensure the potential, competitiveness of functioning and preparation for a crisis during probable conflicts. The reasons leading to crisis phenomena were identified, and the feasibility of implementing anti-crisis measures in the processing industry with the aim of leveling conflicts in branches and sub-branches of the agro-industrial complex (poor strategy-tactics of actions regarding unfair competition, which leads to unpredictability of the situation in anti-crisis risk management) for cleaning market from weak competitors and the development of a stable domestic food system in the country. It has been established that the threats that in a competitive environment exert quasi-crisis pressure on the system of economic relations between agro-tourism enterprises and subjects of the processing industry at the level of the agro-food sector of the economy are divided into three blocks of competition by nature: financial capital; intellectual capital; rating positions in the system of profit redistribution in the agricultural market. The need for anti-crisis measures, as a constant complex response to crisis phenomena and the factors that generate them, is substantiated. Indicators of the development of the system of economic relations between agrotourism enterprises and subjects of the processing industry from the standpoint of anti-crisis scenarios of intersectoral interaction of agricultural market participants in a competitive environment are proposed. It has been proven that the system of economic relations between subjects of the processing industry and agro-tourism enterprises depends on the competitive environment. Prospective are anti-crisis scenarios of inter-sectoral interaction of agricultural market participants, which allow to unite agro-tourism enterprises and subjects of the processing industry in joint enterprises to prepare for a crisis during probable conflicts.


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