


business process, business process classification, business process modeling, business process management, process management, business process efficiency


Market conditions of business and fierce competition require a constant search for new forms and methods of increasing the efficiency of enterprise management. The issue of the relevance of the application of the process approach to enterprise management finds a prominent place in literary sources and is followed by the positive evaluations of many scientists. When studying various approaches to enterprise management in detail, we come to the conclusion that management based on a process approach has indisputable advantages. This gives reason to consider the orientation of enterprise management to a process approach as a priority in today's conditions of fierce competition and a dynamic market environment. In our opinion, the most progressive and effective, without contrasting it with others, is the process approach to management, which is widely used in various spheres of activity. The main advantage of process management is the direct orientation to the customer of the products or services produced by the enterprise and ensuring access to the productive idea of internal suppliers and consumers, the real transfer of added value not by independent functional elements, but by the enterprise as a whole in the form of a set of business processes. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the expediency of the application and develop the prerequisites and algorithm for the transition to enterprise management based on business processes. There is still no scientific justification for a systematic approach to the process management of an enterprise based on business processes. It requires the development of a methodology for building a model of an industry-specific business process system, argumentation of promising directions for improving the management of business processes, the selection of criteria and methods of evaluating their management. The article analyzes scientific approaches to determining the essence of business processes, summarizes their features and properties. The author's classification of business processes into business groups was carried out, and their functional purpose was determined. The application of business processes as the basis of process management of a modern enterprise is substantiated. Organizational and economic prerequisites and an algorithm for implementing a process approach to enterprise management based on business processes have been developed. In the development of the mentioned topic, it is advisable to direct further research to the problems of the effectiveness of the application of the process approach to enterprise management, substantiation of promising directions for improving the management of business processes and increasing its mobility in changing market conditions.


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