



economic security, enterprise, resources, risks, financial stability, development, functioning


The economic security of the enterprise in the conditions of military operations is extremely important, as it ensures its functioning and further development. Military actions can negatively affect the country's economy, reduce the demand for goods and services, destroy infrastructure and create threats to the safety of workers. It is justified that ensuring economic security in such conditions becomes a necessity, since the enterprise may become a victim of destruction, destruction and confiscation of property, termination of work, as well as possible economic dependence on the aggressor. The main arguments in favor of ensuring economic security in the conditions of a full-scale military invasion are summarized. Protection of the property and assets of the enterprise is critical for its preservation and further functioning. Ensuring the safety of the company's personnel allows you to maintain productivity and ensure uninterrupted work. Maintaining economic independence in the face of military invasion will help the enterprise maintain control over its resources and maintain its economic stability. Ensuring the stability of the enterprise. It is argued that the economic security of the enterprise in the conditions of a military invasion contributes to its sustainability and survival in extreme conditions, which may include the following steps: creating backup copies of data, developing plans for emergency situations, ensuring access to resources, establishing contingency plans, etc. The stages of scenario modeling of the organization of the full functioning of the enterprise in the event of the destruction of the constituent elements of the production infrastructure in the conditions of military operations are presented. The results of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise in the conditions of a full-scale military invasion are summarized.


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How to Cite

Akulenko, O., & Kacicka, G. (2024). ENSURING THE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE ENTERPRISE UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF A FULL-SCALE MILITARY INVASION. CITY DEVELOPMENT, (1 (01), 7–12. https://doi.org/10.32782/city-development.2024.1-1


