


media, war, crisis, strategies, revenue, costs, content, audience, transformation, funding, support, collaboration, management, challenges


Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022 was not only a national crisis but also a shock to the media industry, caught in the crossfire of military action, information warfare, and economic turmoil. This research article delves into the maelstrom of events, analyzing how Ukrainian media companies survived and turned the crisis into a catalyst for innovation and growth. The study reveals the full spectrum of challenges faced by the media, from infrastructure destruction and audience loss to declining revenues. The war forced media companies to rethink the essence of their operations, seeking new financing models, content formats, and ways of interacting with their audience. The article examines the various anti-crisis strategies that Ukrainian media implemented to maintain financial stability and fulfill their social mission. These include seeking new revenue streams by launching paid subscriptions, crowdfunding, and commercial activities; optimizing costs by reducing staff and transitioning to remote work; and restructuring debts through government programs and negotiations with creditors. The article emphasizes the analysis of cases of leading Ukrainian media, such as "Suspilne Movlennya" (Public Broadcasting), "1+1 media," "Media Group Ukraine," "Hromadske," and "Ukrayinska Pravda" (Ukrainian Truth). Their experience demonstrates that successful adaptation to the crisis is possible only through a comprehensive approach that includes financial and operational measures and also changes in content strategy, increased cooperation with other media outlets, and active engagement with the audience. The research article presents the results achieved, identifies critical success factors and offers practical recommendations for media managers, journalists, and anyone interested in developing the media industry during times of crisis. It also outlines prospects for the further development of Ukrainian media, emphasizing the importance of support from the state and international partners, and the need for continuous improvement of anti-crisis strategies and adaptation to new challenges.


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