



online retail, e-commerce, online trading, digital economy, strategic priorities, digital business environment


The article assesses the development of e-commerce as a form of trade in the digital environment. The authors prove that e-commerce contributes to the competitiveness of suppliers as they get closer to their customers. The paper emphasizes that retailers always need to increase sales and attract customers, which leads to increased profitability. The paper emphasizes that modern e-commerce includes electronic exchange of goods via online platforms and the Internet, mobile commerce, electronic money transfers, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction operations, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection. The authors prove that online marketplaces allow you to engage in retail business activities, search for suppliers and buyers, pay bills and conclude transactions, all within the global Internet. At the same time, special rules and regulations are being developed for this purpose, and unique software is being created, but the basic idea is that e-commerce systems are available to everyone, regardless of their location, because they operate in the web environment. At the same time, the authors emphasize that organizations with Internet access use different types of e-commerce that meet their needs, scale, goals, and operating principles. Internet commerce, banking, insurance services and money transfers can be used equally successfully and simultaneously, depending on the specifics of each company. The authors prove that retail e-commerce is an integral part of the modern economy, and its growth depends on a number of factors. Among them are the influx of new Internet users, especially active mobile users, and the general trend of digitalization of society. Consequently, these factors contribute to minimizing the costs of operations and transactions via the global network. This development of retail e-commerce supports its growth and allows companies to increase sales and become more competitive in the market.


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How to Cite

Slobodianyk, A., Bilych, V., Kobyelyev, V., & Korol, O. (2024). FEATURES OF E-COMMERCE DEVELOPMENT AS A FORM OF TRADE IN THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT. CITY DEVELOPMENT, (1 (01), 104–111. https://doi.org/10.32782/city-development.2024.1-14


