


animal husbandry, innovation and investment development, agriculture, competitiveness, fixed capital


The innovative way of agricultural development has become particularly relevant and often the only possible way to overcome growing food problems. Ukraine, which has approximately 6% of the world's arable land and scientific and technical potential to meet the difficult challenges of modern agricultural development, should also make a significant contribution to their solution. In the course of research, economic and statistical methods, methods of systematization, generalization, questionnaires, and the method of expert assessments were used. The purpose of the article is to study innovation and investment factors of increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian animal husbandry. The article considers the structure of investments in fixed assets in agriculture of Ukraine, target indicators of animal husbandry of the state program for the development of Agriculture. The implementation of the main indicators of the Sustainable Development Strategy of Ukraine until 2030 was studied. It is established that one of the most urgent tasks of investment policy in the agro-industrial complex at present is to ensure the real availability of borrowed funds for most rural producers, which would give them the opportunity to modernize fixed capital in a timely and high-quality manner and replenish working capital. It is determined that increasing the competitiveness of domestic animal husbandry on an innovative basis is largely determined by a scientifically based approach to the development of its feed base. Ukrainian animal husbandry is currently undergoing a crucial stage of its revival and development. The task of the state is to direct this development in an innovative direction, ensure the achievement of high competitiveness of domestic products in the domestic and world markets, and contribute to solving social and economic problems in rural areas. It is established that scientifically based state regulation of resource and food markets of the agro-industrial complex should also cover the market of breeding livestock and related genetic material with the formation of computer databases for each breed and type of animals available to potential buyers in any region of the country and beyond.


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