food industry enterprises, risks, uncertainty, processes, markets, development, stabilityAbstract
The article reveals the importance of food industry enterprises. The risks of food industry enterprises are singled out (physical destruction of infrastructure; disruption of supply chains; loss of sales markets; risks for personnel; financial risks; logistical risks; risk of loss of product quality and safety; risk of non-compliance with export market standards; legal and regulatory risks; reputational risks). Uncertainties in the activities of enterprises are characterized, which include: the unpredictability of military actions; uncertainty with the supply of raw materials; financial instability and inflation; regulatory changes; labor resources (mobilization); unpredictability of demand; dependence on international support; uncertainty with logistics and access to sales markets; short-term planning horizon; lack of security guarantees. It is determined that food industry enterprises during the war face numerous difficulties that affect their financial stability: lack of political balance, instability of the economy, inflation and currency fluctuations, destruction of transport infrastructure and the search for transport corridors for the transportation of products, violation of the stability of the functioning of logistics channels, the lack of complete and reliable information about the occurrence of certain events and processes, migration processes and the decrease in the availability of qualified personnel, the impossibility of long-term forecasting. It is substantiated that the continuity of the functioning and development of food industry enterprises in the conditions of military operations is one of the key elements of the implementation of the national strategy of food security, the stability of the social sphere, the motivation of the labor activity of the population, the activation of the foreign economic activity of subjects, the expansion of investment sources and the filling of the state budget.
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