



territorial community, economic development, approaches to management, functional, process, situational, reflexive, system transformation, cluster, scenario modeling, strategic approaches


The topicality of the topic is due to the fact that the decentralization processes taking place in Ukraine significantly change the role of local self-government. Territorial communities now have greater autonomy and responsibility for managing their resources and developing their own economies. This implies new approaches to management, which must be flexible, efficient and resistant to external challenges. The purpose of the article is to systematize scientific approaches to effective management of the economic development of territorial communities and develop recommendations for their practical implementation. Research methods include - theoretical analysis and synthesis - consists in the systematization of scientific approaches, models and concepts of economic development management. Scientific sources, publications, monographs and research works were studied to determine the main theoretical trends; comparative method - made it possible to analyze and compare different scientific approaches to managing economic development. This has helped to identify the most successful and most effective models that can be adapted for local conditions; the method of classification and typology - used to divide scientific approaches to managing economic development into separate groups according to certain criteria; induction and deduction - used to formulate general principles of economic development management based on the analysis of individual cases (induction) or to specify general scientific principles (deduction) in the context of local self-government.The results of the study allow us to assert that the application of scientifically based approaches to the management of the economic development of territorial communities can significantly increase their economic efficiency and contribute to sustainable development. The study of scientific approaches to the effective management of the economic development of territorial communities allows us to conclude that management at the local level should be complex, integrated and adaptive to the specific conditions of the community. Among all scientific approaches, the strategic approach is the most efficient and effective for long-term sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Klievtsievych, N. (2024). TERRITORIAL COMMUNITY: APPROACHES TO EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. CITY DEVELOPMENT, (3 (03), 48–56. https://doi.org/10.32782/city-development.2024.3-7


