



challenges, martial law, higher education institutions, consolidated budget, distance learning, educational process, prospects, students, financing


The article summarizes the main challenges facing higher education in Ukraine as a result of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, in particular, the destruction and damage to the infrastructure of higher education institutions, forced relocation of educational institutions, life- and health-threatening conditions of study and work, loss of human resources and reduction of the number of students, and reduction of education funding. Current trends in the development of higher education are considered. The war had a serious impact on the flow of foreign students in Ukraine. The experience of distance learning during the COVID-19 quarantine has become an important factor in ensuring the continuity of education in times of war, demonstrating the adaptability and resilience of the Ukrainian educational system. However, problems in the implementation of distance learning have been identified, such as insufficient technical support, and the readiness of teachers and students for the digital format. The dynamics of expenditures of the Consolidated Budget of Ukraine on education, including higher education, is studied. Attention is drawn to the reduction of expenditures on education due to the redistribution of budget funds in connection with the need to increase defense spending. It is revealed that the problematic issues in the field of higher education caused by the war require priority attention, and the biggest challenge for the education system is to create safe conditions for all participants in the educational process. The strategic vision of higher education development is highlighted.


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How to Cite

Pavlovskyi, S., Povoroznyk, M., Melnyk, N., Sanchenko, O., & Vershinin, O. (2024). HIGHER EDUCATION OF UKRAINE UNDER MARTIAL LAW: CHALLENGES, CURRENT STATE, PROSPECTS. CITY DEVELOPMENT, (3 (03), 77–83. https://doi.org/10.32782/city-development.2024.3-10


