marketing technologies, marketing strategy, management system, digitalization, digital marketing, referral marketing, business processesAbstract
Due to the fact that marketing technologies facilitate the realization of strategic and operational tasks related to product promotion, client attraction, and enhanced competitive ability, they play an important role in the enterprise management system. Their impact ranges in different levels of management, from strategic planning to operating activities. Objective. The purpose of this study is to substantiate the imperatives of using marketing technologies in the management system of a healthcare facility. Methods. Analysis and synthesis (for studying and generalization of the available approaches to using marketing technologies); comparative (for comparing the effectiveness of different marketing strategies (digital marketing, referral marketing)); expert assessment (for the involvement of experts' thoughts about the implementation of marketing technologies); experimental (for testing the implementation of digital marketing and referral program, and estimation of their impact on business-processes); graphical visualization (for demonstrative imaging of obtained research results). Results. Imperatives of using marketing technologies are online presence and digital tools - SEO, LinkedIn platform, healthcare at a distance; offline marketing – events for the local community to increase brand awareness; customer service and reputation – managing reviews on the Google Reviews platform, monitoring and responding to mentions in the media and social networks; marketing analysis – using analytical tools to track the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, consumer behavior analytics; loyalty and discount system – loyalty programs, promotional offers; educational programs and content marketing – blogs and articles, webinars and seminars. The expediency and the effect of digital marketing implementation with a focus on content and SEO, as well as referral marketing programs, were substantiated and demonstrated. Each of the technologies is focused on increasing the number of patients, raising awareness of the clinic, and increasing the loyalty of existing customers. Scientific novelty. Substantiating and practical demonstration of the effectiveness of the digital marketing implementation with a focus on content and SEO, as well as a referral marketing program for increasing the number of clients, brand awareness, and loyalty in the context of the management system of a healthcare facility. Practical significance. Development and implementation of effective marketing technologies, particularly digital marketing with a focus on content and SEO, as well as a referral marketing program will contribute to the rise in the number of patients, raising awareness of the clinic and increasing the loyalty of existing customers. Merging online and offline strategies, working with reputation, customer behavior and educational programs analysis will ensure a comprehensive approach to the development of marketing technologies in the management system.
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