state management, demographic security, martial law, migration, threats, mechanismsAbstract
It has been proven that since February 2022, Ukraine faces a complex of demographic issues that require immediate resolution. To restore demographic security, extensive efforts from both the national government and the international community are necessary to stabilize the situation and support the population. Consequently, this significantly underscores the relevance of the chosen research topic. The structure of the article includes the analysis of recent studies and publications, setting the objectives and tasks of the article, and presenting the key findings of the research. The conclusions are formed based on the results of the study. The aim of the research is to characterize the key contemporary threats to the demographic security of Ukraine under current conditions. The main task is to identify the key directions for improving the mechanisms of state management in countering threats to demographic security. To achieve the set goal, several methods were employed, including induction and deduction, comparison and systematization–to identify the list of key threats to Ukraine's demographic security; synthesis and analysis–to prove the significance of new threats on the demographic security of the country; morphological analysis–for grouping the essential characteristics of demographic security under conditions of full-scale invasion; graphical–for the qualitative presentation of the research results; abstract-logical–for forming theoretical generalizations and conclusions of the research. It has been established that the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, which began in February 2022, has had a profound impact on all aspects of Ukrainian society, including the demographic situation. The main consequences have been massive internal displacements and the emigration of millions seeking safety in other regions of Ukraine and abroad. The most significant threats to the demographic security of Ukraine under martial law have been identified. Future research in the field of Ukraine's demographic security post-war should focus on studying the long-term effects of migration, population loss, and changes in reproductive behavior.
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