


financial security, methodical approach, financial indicators, integral indicator, comprehensive assessment, marketing


The article is devoted to the evaluation of the existing methodical approaches to the analysis of the financial security of the enterprise. In the course of the study, a methodical approach using an integral indicator based on 14 financial ratios was analyzed, the highest influence among which is the return on assets, return on capital, and the financing ratio. The methodical approach of the express assessment of the financial security of the enterprise is also considered, which is based on the calculation of an integral indicator and involves the analysis of the assessment of the financial state of the enterprise based on the comparison of the marginal and actual values of the indicators for indicators of liquidity and solvency, financial stability, business activity and performance. An approach based on the analysis of indicators that mainly characterize the investment activity of the enterprise and the efficiency of investment activity was studied, where the assessment of financial security is based on five indicators: return on invested capital, weighted average cost of capital, market added value, efficiency of innovations, net present value of investment projects. The approach of assessing the financial security of the enterprise based on such groups of financial indicators as liquidity and solvency, financial stability, efficiency of the enterprise, business activity, debt and tax burden of the enterprise was also investigated. Based on the research, the selection of the optimal methodology that will provide a comprehensive assessment of the level of financial security of the enterprise is justified taking into account marketing support.


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