investment project, project management, ProjectManagement, construction organization, design and estimate documentation, project office, project life cycle, responsibility center, project financingAbstract
In modern conditions of economic development, the organization of investment and construction projects is faced with increasing complexity, scale and multifunctionality of objects. In addition, external factors such as market fluctuations, access to financing, regulatory requirements and environmental standards play a significant role. All this makes it urgent to find new approaches to the organization of management that take into account these challenges and ensure the stable development of projects. Project management as a management direction that ensures the organization of activities within the framework of the implementation of a unique project (material task that has specific characteristics) has demonstrated its effectiveness in many areas of business: construction, industry, the service sector (including education), state and municipal administration, etc. The article presents directions for adapting existing approaches in the field of project management to the specifics of the implementation of construction investment projects. At the same time, along with methodological features characteristic of ProjectManagement, such as, clear definition of goals and results of work; definition of responsibility centers and distribution of powers; creation of a system of planning work and project parameters (timelines, quality, cost) taking into account acceptable risks; creation of communication and document flow systems; creation of a system of continuous monitoring of project progress and regulation of the course of work; formation of teams and organization of their effective work, the authors pay special attention to design and estimate documentation as the main source of information about the physical and cost characteristics of the construction investment project being implemented. In addition, a schematic diagram of the implementation of the construction investment project management system is presented, in which the central place is occupied by the project office, decomposed depending on the size and number of projects into a corporate project office, a project office at the level of individual divisions and an office of a separate project. The features of project financing that are important for project management are considered, as a form of project resource management. Finally, a conclusion is made about the feasibility of using this system in modern conditions of conducting a development business.
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