fiscal policy, socio-economic sphere, inflation, government policy, reformsAbstract
The article analyzes the peculiarities of tax policy as an instrument for observing the fiscal interests of the state in the context of socio-economic processes in Ukraine. The authors prove that fiscal policy is an important tool for ensuring the economic stability of the state, which includes tax and budgetary mechanisms. In this context, tax policy is becoming one of the main means of influencing economic development and socio-economic processes, contributing to achieving an optimal balance between the financial needs of the State and the costs of socio-economic development. One of the main tasks of tax policy is to provide the necessary revenues to finance public needs, such as education, healthcare, infrastructure and social protection. However, an important problem is that the current tax system in Ukraine is focused more on covering the budget deficit, which leads to excessive tax pressure on enterprises. This makes it difficult to do business and reduces the country's investment attractiveness. The reform of the tax system should ensure compliance with international standards while preserving the traditions of the national system. An important component of this reform is to create transparent tax collection mechanisms and set optimal tax rates that do not hinder business development and stimulate investment. It is also important to achieve effective tax discipline and ensure adequate control over the fulfillment of tax obligations. Tax legislation should be stable and clear, which will reduce corruption and improve the business climate. In general, the effectiveness of tax policy and its ability to stimulate economic development depend on the government's ability to strike a balance between the fiscal needs of the state and the development of social and economic relations in the country.
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Abuselidze G., Slobodianyk A. (2021). Pandeconomic Crisis and Its Impact on Small Open Economies: A Case Study of COVID-19. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, no. 1258, pp. 718–728. DOI: