fiscal policy, sustainable development, tax system, tax burden, Ukraine, CroatiaAbstract
The comparative analysis of fiscal policy impacts on sustainable development in Ukraine and Croatia presents a comprehensive assessment of how fiscal mechanisms influence economic stability, social equity, and environmental protection in both nations. This analysis is particularly significant given the starkly different contexts of the two countries – Croatia's EU integration and Ukraine's challenges due to the ongoing conflict and economic instability. The study utilizes an integrated tax index to objectively assess the effectiveness of tax reforms in promoting sustainable development. The methodology involves regression analysis and correlation calculations using data on tax revenues, social indicators, and environmental payments. Findings highlight Croatia's stable fiscal results thanks to EU integration, whereas Ukraine faces significant challenges in reforming its tax system amid war impacts. The research underscores the flexibility of tax systems to respond to economic shocks, stressing the importance of tax indices as tools for evaluating fiscal policy effectiveness. These indices analyze the impact on economic growth, income distribution, and investment attractiveness. However, a lack of studies on the relationship between tax indices and sustainable development creates a gap in information, complicating decision-making for reforms in both countries. This study explores various challenges and common aspects of reforming fiscal policy in Ukraine and Croatia. Researchers in Ukraine focus on assessing tax changes, highlighting the importance of effective administration and combating tax evasion to ensure stability. They emphasize considering not only quantitative indicators but also social and environmental aspects of tax reforms. Croatian researchers, reflecting EU membership, focus on harmonizing fiscal policy with European standards. Comparing the two nations, the analysis shows Ukraine's increased defense and social support expenditures due to the war, whereas Croatia focuses on reducing debt and attracting investments. Post-war, Ukraine will require substantial tax administration reforms to recover economically, a process from which it can learn significantly from Croatia's experiences. The article suggests that Croatia's successful experiences could enhance Ukraine's tax administration and economic growth post-conflict. The proposed integrated tax index demonstrated the need for Ukraine to refine its tax reforms, especially in social programs and environmental sustainability. This research offers valuable lessons from Croatia on optimizing public expenditures and social sector reforms, which could be crucial for Ukraine's post-war recovery and sustainable development trajectory. This comparative analysis not only provides a detailed assessment of fiscal policies impacting sustainable development in Ukraine and Croatia but also suggests practical approaches for Ukraine to utilize Croatian experiences in its fiscal reforms. This is particularly relevant for Ukraine's recovery in the post-war period, focusing on fiscal stability, economic growth, and integration into European economic structures.
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