


vibrational disease, hypertension, melatonin, oxytocin


Influence of manufacture vibration is chronic stress factor, which determines functioning and restructuration of hormonal systems. However, prolonged effect of hormones, which participate in formation of adaptive reactions, determines significant violations in metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and electrolytes, and can lead to cardio-vascular disorders. Affecting smooth muscles of vessels, oxytocin causes vasodilatation, increases bloodstream in kidneys, coronary vessels and brain vessels. Key role of melatonin is determined by its production rhythm promotes all endogenic rhythms of organism. Presence of circadian rhythms of arterial hypertension of central venous pressure in people determines participation of melatonin in regulation of cardio-vascular function. It’s also proved by presence of melatonin receptors in muscles and vascular endothelium. Aim of research was to study hormonal chain of immunity (melatonin and oxytocin) in patients with vibration disease (VD) and hypertension. Research included 107 patients with VD from local vibration of I and II stage, aged 41–66. Mean age 54±6.17 years. In 60 patients with VD had hypertension II stage (main group), other 47 had isolated hypertension (comparison group). Every group has been divided by VD stage. Main group included VD I stage and hypertension II stage (26 persons) and VD II and hypertension II stage (34 persons). Comparison group has been divided into isolated VD I stage (21 persons) and isolated VD II stage (26 persons). Amount of hormones (melatonin and oxytocin) in blood serum has been estimated by ELISA with test-systems“Melatonin Elisa” (“IBL Hamburg”, Germany), “Correlate‒EIATM Oxitocin” (“Assay Designs”, USA) and ELISA analyzer Star Fax 303 Plus. Statistical analysis has been performed using statistical software Statistica 6.1 (StatSoft, Inc., USA). Analysis of research results showed that vibration effect inhibits activity of immune system. Found significant decrease of melatonin in main group (21,97 pg/ml; ME[17,63;25,61] against 30,3 pg/ml; ME[26,25;34,11]) can prove progression of endothelial dysfunction in progression of VD and hypertension. Statistically significant increase of oxytocin (139,6 pg/ml; ME[92,5;169] against 134 pg/ml; ME[62;191]) only in group of combined pathology can prove constriction of peripheral vessels. Effects of these and some other chains of hormonal regulation, which totally form pressor macrosystem, promotes increasing of arterial pressure, which is common in hypertension, and shows presence of changes in hormonal regulation in patients with VD. According with data patients with VD and hypertension have secondary dysregulatory state of immunocompetent field. This is proven by increased levels of oxytocin and decreasing of activity of melatonin on 35 %, compared with patients with isolated VD.


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