



management strategy of agricultural enterprises, efficiency of management strategy of agricultural enterprises, index of efficiency of management strategy of agricultural enterprise, index of economic efficiency of agricultural enterprise, management decisions


The article proposes a scientific-methodical approach to evaluating the effectiveness of the management strategy of agrarian enterprises. It was determined that the effectiveness of the management strategy of an agrarian enterprise directly affects the economic efficiency of the enterprise, which prompted the development of the economic efficiency index of the enterprise. It is justified that the assessment of the effectiveness of the management strategy of an agrarian enterprise should take into account the following elements: labor productivity (estimation of how effectively management resources are used in the process of implementing the strategy), economic feasibility (determination of how the costs invested in the strategy are correlated with the results obtained), financial stability (the strategy should ensure sufficient financial stability, allowing the enterprise to withstand economic difficulties, and liquidity), adaptability of the strategy (an assessment of how strategic decisions are able to adapt to changing market conditions, climatic or economic factors). The results of the calculation of the efficiency index of the management strategy of the investigated agricultural enterprises of the Cherkasy region and the index of their economic efficiency are presented. It was determined that with the recommended value of the efficiency index of the management strategy of agricultural enterprises greater than 1, none of the studied enterprises of the Cherkasy region during the years 2019-2023 had such a value, which indicates the low efficiency of the implemented management strategy, significant shortcomings in the process of its implementation or insufficient adaptation strategies. It has been proven that the developed indicators can be useful for evaluating the effectiveness of the enterprise management strategy, constant monitoring of the values of the developed indicators, as an indicator of the need to adjust the enterprise management strategy.


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How to Cite

Tatarchuk, A. (2024). EFFECTIVENESS OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY: EVALUATION METHODOLOGY. CITY DEVELOPMENT, (4 (04), 94–99. https://doi.org/10.32782/city-development.2024.4-13


