strategic management, enterprise development strategy, information technologies, digital and intellectual technologies, digital transformation, digital economy, digitization, efficiency, competitiveness, ecosystemAbstract
The complex nature of digital transformation poses the task for enterprises not only to implement digital technologies, but also to reorient all activities of the enterprise, aligning it with the digital transformation plan. This means that management must clearly understand what technologies and innovations need to be implemented, how to change business processes so that they are optimized for the digital age. This means that management must clearly understand what technologies and innovations need to be implemented, how to change business processes so that they are optimized for the digital age. This was the result of the introduction of the new term "digital transformation strategy". In turn, when building a new strategy format, the usual methods of strategic management become irrelevant, which creates new challenges for reviewing traditional approaches to managing a new phenomenon - digital transformation. Taking into account external conditions and the need of companies for updated approaches to strategic management, the purpose of this study is to analyze and theoretically substantiate the strategic management of enterprises in the context of digital transformation. This article examines theoretical approaches to strategic management, the changes of which are due to the influence of digitalization and the external and internal processes of organizations. An attempt is made to analyze modern approaches to strategic management of digital transformation. A comparative analysis of traditional approaches to strategic management and new approaches to strategic management of digital transformation was also conducted, which allowed us to identify directions for the development of theoretical approaches to strategic management in the digital transformation of organizations. The final result of the study identified the main directions for further development of strategic management of digital transformations of organizations based on business models and ecosystems. It is also concluded that the implementation of a business model portfolio as a strategic tool will ensure the integration of digital technologies into business processes and increase their productivity.
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